
Full automatic vertical and horizontal multi-cut head combination edge cutting machine

Products > Stone cutting machine > Full automatic vertical and horizontal multi-cut head combination edge cutting machine

Full automatic vertical and horizontal multi-cut head combination edge cutting machine

Product overview:

Full automatic vertical and horizontal multi-cut head combination edge cutting machine is a newly developed of a low-power efficient sheet metal processing automated production lines, to make up the standard specifications sheet does not have a dedicated automated production line blank according to production need of Stone processing enterprises at home and abroad come from Jinjiang New Fengyuan Machinery Limited liability company.

The article production lines can be obtained two national patents

The production line consists of 6 devices: ①turnover machine②conveyor③edge cutting machine④conveyor⑤:transverse cutting machine⑥conveyor/auto pack machine.

 (Can also be selected according to user requirements set.

The aircraft will be processed the stone plate specifications prior input control computer, set processing parameters (such as cutting width, speed, conveyor start time), cutting power head will automatically move to the desired location, the slitters power head traversethe power head will automatically upgrade to avoid the saw blade on the conveyor belt when traversing unnecessary damage.

The production line can also be reassembled in accordance with the requirements of the different users, such as: directly with the the the automatic mill docking combination be processed sheet so efficient transit and effort without landing specialized plate production line can be realized. Its production efficiency is 3 to 4 times the ordinary infrared bridge cutting Dynamo trimming machine 6 to 7 times.

Transverse cutting machine parameter list
Number of unit head/motor power6/11kw
Min. cutting width270mm
Max. cutting width3000mm
The thickness of the cutting board50mm
Blade specificationsΦ400mmxΦ50mmxthichness 4mm
Cutting speed2.5~11.8m/nim(speed governing by Transmission)
Elevating conveyor belt speed/drive reducer/electrical motor18m/RV63/60/0.75(4 pole)
Unit head traverse reducer/ electrical motorRV63/50/0.75(4 pole)
Unit head horizontal adjust the speed200mm/nim
Unit head winding speed75mm
Air consumptionM3/h
Water consumption18m3/h
The total mass of :transverse cutting machine7.1T
Overall dimension(LxWxH)4700mmx2860mmx1620mm

Patent Number:


For lifting feed drive, this device adopts the turbine deceleration and telescopic variable angle transmission shaft.

Feed device for lifting lifting implementing agencies

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